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Your investment in Black Girls Code creates new opportunities for girls and gender-expansive youth of color to have a daring impact on tech. When they succeed, we all succeed.

Black Girls Code has earned a GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency. Learn More ›

More ways to invest

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Donate by mail

Write a check made payable to Black Girls Code and send to:
Black Girls CODE
P.O. Box 845949
Los Angeles, CA 90084-5949

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Make a gift of crypto

We accept gifts of crypto through the Giving Block.

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Use your donor advised fund

Send a gift using our legal name
Black Girls CODE and Tax ID Number 45-4930539.

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Support our community by volunteering for both in-person and virtual events.

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Organize a Fundraiser

Raise funds through your own campaign page to amplify 
your impact.

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Financials + Reports

We believe in transparency and accountability. See the impact of your investment in our financial and annual reports.

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Financial Statements

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Annual Reports

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Impact Report

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